Tuesday, July 8, 2008


We made a new rule in our house: no TV watching or Internet surfing on Tuesday or Friday nights. Essentially, we're "screen-free" those nights (though we are allowed to watch movies together). It stemmed from us finding ourselves mindlessly watching BAD t.v., bored out of our minds. Back before we were married and not living together, Husband canceled his cable. We spent our time at his place reading together, listening to MPR together, watching movies together, playing cards/games together, walking together...notice a theme? So in the midst of our busy lives and the added responsibilities owning a home (and a dog) brings, we wanted to minimize our mindless boob-tube time, and up the time we spent enjoying leisure time together. This also means that I can't post tonight. Which really is why I'm covertly posting today. ;-)

I AM slightly concerned, however, that I am missing the season finale of Hell's Kitchen. I keep telling myself that this break is good for me, that I'll be a stronger, better person because of this. But really, I want Petrozza to win. That lil' chica is too cocky. To be honest, we chose Tuesday and Friday nights primarily because those nights are the nights with the crappiest t.v. Is that cheating? Which nights would you choose to go "screen-free?"


Lynn said...

Well, I can go any night without watching TV. Just tivo or tape the shows you want to watch on your blackout nights and watch them when you allow yourself, too. I tivo everything, I barely watch anything live.

Still you are adults and if you want you can cheat. I mean what is the point of making rules if you don't break them every now and then?

Janna said...

Yeeeeaaah, we don't have a Tivo (though it would be easier). And it takes so much less time to watch the shows you like when you can skip through all the commercials - so really you end up watching LESS t.v.!

Chris said...

For me it would probably be Wednesdays - there's not a lot on then that I watch...and Saturdays.