Saturday, August 23, 2008

Poor Puppy, Part II

My oldest brother, Pete, is in town this weekend and staying with Luke and I. Per custom in my family when anyone is "in town," we invited the rest of my siblings over for some food, beer, and visiting. My sister is trying to socialize her dog, Trixie, a bit more, and since we had dogsat her a few weekends ago and Trixie and Howie got a long great, Lisa asked to bring Trixie along. Unfortunately, while Trixie and Howie were playing, which we were all excited about because Trixie doesn't "play" even on her own, it turned into a tussle. When we pulled Trixie off of Howie, he wouldn't open his right eye. I ended up taking him in to the emergency vet, where he was completely nervous (I think it was all the anxious owners and injured pets and running, screaming children everywhere). He doesn't have a scratched cornea, but the vet there said that she could tell he was in pain (well...yeah...he won't open his eye), because his pupil was constricted and his eye pressure was low, both auto-physical responses to pain. So our poor puppy has to take eye-drops and pain meds all weekend (on top of the antibiotics he's already on for his UTI) and go to our regular vet on Monday to have his eye checked again. *sigh*

My sister and brother-in-law feel awful, and it was just a really long, anxious night. I'm starting to feel awful about what the poor hound has gone through this week. But, as "The Dog Whisperer" Cesar Milan always says, dogs don't hold on to past bad experiences and emotions, they move forward. Good thing, 'cuz Howie's had one helluva week!


Jen said...

hope howie recovers quickly!

S said...

I'll be thinking about poor Howie. He has had quite the week. I wish I could figure out myself how to do that not holding onto bad experiences thing...

Lynn said...

I love the dog whisperer as much as anyone, but, I disagree. I know for A FACT that dogs hang on to stuff. I can prove it with my dog Huck and my granddogby, Peanut.

I just hope that Howie is feeling better and more than that I hope his mom stops feeling guilty and starts feeling better soon.

Janna said...

Thanks for all the nice words, guys, I really appreciate it! Howie and mom feel a lot better. Funny thing, Lynn, is that Luke's grandma said the exact same thing about dogs when I talked to her this week. The vet made jokes that we were "regulars" now...hopefully we won't have to go in for a while after his last appointment this week!